As featured in: 

Kalypton has designed Tereon, an award-winning, pat­en­ted tech­no­logy, to enable sig­ni­fic­ant cost reduc­tion to banks and fin­an­cial ser­vices organ­isa­tions, by allow­ing real-time, dis-intermediate set­tle­ment to mit­ig­ate industry non-compliance fines and increase mar­ket share.

Tereon’s design comes from founder and CEO, Lars Dav­ies, who co-wrote papers in 1995 as a legal aca­demic on digital cash and elec­tronic pay­ment sys­tems at the Centre for Com­mer­cial Law Stud­ies. He foun­ded Kalypton in to cre­ate real world solu­tions to reg­u­lat­ory and tech­no­lo­gical chal­lenges such as secur­ity, scalab­il­ity and privacy.

Tereon, takes its name from Koine, the Greek word for pro­tect­ing or safe­guard­ing value, a word that is also the root of the word for Treas­ure. The root of the name Tereon aptly describes the design ethos behind our revolu­tion­ary solution.

Kalypton recognised by US Federal Reserve as payments leader

In August 2017, the US Fed­eral Reserve Faster Pay­ments Task Force, a broad and inclus­ive group of stake­hold­ers in the US pay­ments sys­tem recog­nised Kalypton as the leader for real-time pay­ments. View report here.

Kalypton’s crown of top vendor is sup­por­ted and val­id­ated by research that was recently under­taken by Amer­ican Banker journ­al­ist, Kevin Wack. His art­icle, ‘The Fed’s got some big decisions to make on faster pay­ments’ shows a chart, detail­ing a Faster Pay­ments Score­card. It clearly shows that Kalypton beat other vendors with its real-time pay­ments tech­no­logy, Tereon.

Kalypton is hon­oured to have par­ti­cip­ated in the Faster Pay­ments Task Force. Part Two of the Final Report provides insights from 16 sub­mit­ted solu­tion pro­pos­als, reflects on sev­eral found­a­tional issues that are import­ant to address, and presents the task force’s goals and recom­mend­a­tions for imple­ment­ing faster pay­ments in the United States:

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