Security and com­pli­ance: can you ever have one without the other?

In a recent blog, Kevin Town­send, founder of ITse​curity​.com, addresses the com­monly held mis­ap­pre­hen­sion that an organ­iz­a­tion is com­pliant if it is secure. In his art­icle he quotes Lars Dav­ies, CEO of Kalypton as fol­lows: ‘The prob­lem comes from the fact that com­pli­ance and secur­ity are not com­mut­ative,’ he told me. ‘One does not neces­sarily Read More …

Experts Debate the Security of EMV

In an art­icle for Bank Sys­tems and Tech­no­logy, Olivia LaB­arre high­lights increas­ing con­cerns about the EMV secur­ity stand­ard. The art­icle quotes: ‘Lars Dav­ies, CEO and founder of Kalypton, a group of com­panies that spe­cial­izes in secure inform­a­tion man­age­ment and elec­tronic pay­ment sys­tems, says the find­ings sug­gest that EMV needs to be replaced by a new, Read More …