Lars Davies talks at IGNITE in keynote speech:
“The last set was also some of the most interesting. Here several organizations wanted to offer new payments systems that would provide a range of new services to several target demographics, These services were ‘new’ and aimed to attempt to move both banked and unbanked users out of the cash market and into a cashless system. Here they faces a variety of conflicting issues, such as –
- Need to distribute small and medium value payments to new customers who may or may not be bankable
- Users of the service may be illiterate
- Business models cannot support existing payments systems and so new architectures are required
- Operator could not use its existing architecture, and does not want to risk modifying that architecture, but that architecture cannot support the proposed payment system
- Payments system needed to support social security distribution
- Payments system needed to offer money management services
- Payments system needed to interface to ATMs
- Payments system needed to offer loyalty points and targeted marketing
- Payments system also needed to support eventual move to digital currency
- One organization wanted to turn an existing loyalty scheme into an integrated mobile and card payments system
- One wanted to support multiple payment systems on a single card and app
- Existing mobile money solutions conflicted with the existing central bank regulations and required stringent controls on the funds to eliminate redemption liquidity risks. However, the mobile money solutions provided no technical way of enforcing those regulations…”