Fintech Startup Kalypton Gains $2.6m Investment

After Kalypton Gains $2.6m Investment, U.S. Federal Reserve Awards Top Vendor Status

Press Release
Decem­ber 1 2017

Fin­an­cial ser­vices and global real-time pay­ments and set­tle­ments com­pany Kalypton has profited from a £2m ($2.6m) invest­ment by reach­ing the pin­nacle of the U.S. Fed­eral Reserve’s Faster Pay­ments Taskforce top vendors list. This invest­ment has been received from a vari­ety of private investors – each of whom are as pleased as Kalypton with this news. Kalypton’s crown of top vendor is sup­por­ted and val­id­ated by research that was recently under­taken by Amer­ican Banker journ­al­ist, Kevin Wack. His art­icle, ‘The Fed’s got some big decisions to make on faster pay­ments’ shows a chart, detail­ing a Faster Pay­ments Score­card. It clearly shows that Kalypton beat other vendors with its real-time pay­ments tech­no­logy, Tereon. 

In response to a ques­tion about how the Faster Pay­ments Score­card was cre­ated, Wack said in an email: “I com­piled the chart by review­ing inform­a­tion at” He vis­ited the taskforce’s web­site and ana­lysed the pro­pos­als, the Effect­ive­ness Cri­teria, and Solu­tion Pro­pos­als. In all there were 16 pro­pos­als, includ­ing one from Kalypton.

With ref­er­ence to Kalypton’s own sub­mis­sion, Wack adds: “The pro­posal was graded on 36 dif­fer­ent cri­teria. In order to put that chart together, I went through each of those 16 doc­u­ments and coun­ted how many “effect­ive” and “very effect­ive” grades each of the pro­pos­als received.”

Kalypton is a UK-based start-up with global cap­ab­il­it­ies, and it is led by its CEO Lars Dav­ies. He is a phys­i­cist and law­yer by train­ing. He foun­ded Kalypton fur­ther to his pro­fes­sional legal, aca­demic and IT exper­i­ences which showed that there is a need to enable com­pan­ies to provide reg­u­lat­ory com­pli­ance and evid­en­tial weight to sup­port their elec­tronic com­mu­nic­a­tions. He was a Senior Vis­it­ing Fel­low of the Insti­tute for Com­puter and Com­mu­nic­a­tions Law at the Centre of Com­mer­cial Law Stud­ies of Queen Mary Uni­ver­sity of London.

Tereon per­mits banks to settle and recon­cile pay­ments in as close to real time as banks can get, and in a way that has never been achieved before. Gov­ern­ment agen­cies are also able to bene­fit from this patent-pending elec­tronic pay­ments solu­tion. With it, Kalypton won the Dassault Sys­tèmes 3D Fintech Chal­lenge 2016. So, both Tereon and Kalypton have a prom­ising future.

Dav­ies explains why: “Kalypton is delighted to be recog­nised by lead­ing organ­isa­tions like the US Fed­eral Reserve’s Faster Pay­ments Task Force, fur­ther­ing our POC. Banks and fin­an­cial insti­tu­tions now have a plat­form avail­able they can trust. Block­chain and dis­trib­uted ledger tech­no­lo­gies may have their lim­it­a­tions such as data pri­vacy, secur­ity flaws, but our pat­en­ted tech­no­logy Tereon provides a solu­tion, while improv­ing secur­ity and lower trans­ition costs. This invest­ment will allow us to com­pete on a global scale.”

With it fin­an­cial ser­vices organ­isa­tions can, for example, achieve reg­u­lat­ory com­pli­ance. This includes com­pli­ance to the European Union’s forth­com­ing Gen­eral Data Pro­tec­tion Reg­u­la­tion (GDPR), which even U.S firms with cus­tom­ers in the E.U need to pre­pare for to avoid huge fin­an­cial penalties.

Tereon also recon­ciles secur­ity and usab­il­ity at the core of all bank­ing sys­tems across devices. Its other bene­fits include inter­op­er­ab­il­ity, the means to show the caus­al­ity of an event such as a pay­ment trans­ac­tion, scalab­il­ity with min­im­ise latency, pri­vacy, trust and sustainability.’

Alun Thomas, an angel investor in Kalypton, says: “Organ­isa­tions need to a solu­tion such as Tereon to enable GDPR com­pli­ance, banked and unbanked cus­tom­ers wel­come secure real-time faster pay­ments and investors want a com­pany that offers the poten­tial for high returns on invest­ment, prom­ising rev­enue streams and poten­tially high levels of profitability.

As a former Exec­ut­ive Chair­man of Heath­row Express and Man­aging Dir­ector of BAA’s sur­face access activ­it­ies, I can appre­ci­ate the chal­lenges that GDPR rep­res­ents. The lar­ger the com­pany, the harder it is to com­ply with GDPR. The reg­u­la­tions will be chal­len­ging for SMEs too – par­tic­u­larly for the smal­ler com­pan­ies who don’t often have the skills, know­ledge and resources needed to keep up to speed with new reg­u­lat­ory frame­works to achieve compliance.”

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