Kalypton attend Faster Payments Task Force in Chicago

Kalypton exhib­ited its Tereon real-time pay­ments soft­ware at the Fed­eral Reserve Banks’ “Cap­ab­il­ity Show­case” in Chicago on Feb­ru­ary 2526. This event was part of their Faster Pay­ments Task Force ini­ti­at­ive.

We were delighted with the num­ber of task force par­ti­cipants who vis­ited our table for more inform­a­tion and for a live Tereon demonstration.

Kalypton has eval­u­ated the Task Force’s pub­lished cri­teria for a real-time pay­ments solu­tion and we asser­ted as part of our sub­mis­sion that Tereon sub­stan­tially meets or exceeds all of the cri­teria and there­fore intend to con­tinue to engage with the Task Force and will be mak­ing a full tech­nical pro­posal as and when pro­pos­als are invited.

We under­stand that a clip from the Tereon video below was shown to the task force par­ti­cipants dur­ing one of their work­ing ses­sions and presen­ted to them as best prac­tice in engagement.